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Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Experience The Magic 

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This book shares practical nuggets on how to step out of your comfort zone and attain greater heights in your endeavors. Many times we are content with where we are yet the moment you step out of the daily routines of life you start experiencing the magic of growth and happiness. The comfort zone can make you blind to exciting opportunities and alternative possibilities around you. It can make you stagnate and your life monotonous and uninteresting. A comfort zone can actually become a trap or prison. Stepping out helps you to discover the elasticity of your dreams and imagination. It is necessary to break out and take that giant leap of faith and risk. This is where the magic happens. Without risks there is no breakthrough. 



How Hustle Beats Talent if Talent Doesn’t 

This book interrogates the sudden emergence of hustlepreneurship as the new global profession. The 21st century has been branded by Allan Greenspan as the “age of turbulence”, characterized by meltdowns, wars, tsunamis, droughts, hyper-inflation, snowfalls, El-Nino, La-Nina ad infinitum. Yet in that hustle and bustle conundrum people should survive against all these odds. Hustlepreneurship becomes the only convenient card to put food on the table for many. The book encourages hustlepreneurs to hustle harder and smarter to conquer business in difficult economic environments. 


Unleashing Adversity Intelligence

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For many decades, authors have written extensively about the importance of Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Social Quotient (SQ). Very little has been written about Adversity Quotient (AQ) till Paul Stoltz’s ground breaking Book-Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities (1997). The current book takes the matter an octave higher by demonstrating how invaluable AQ is in the creation of resilient citizens, companies and economies. The book uses contemporary difficult historical moments and how people should re-programme their mind sets to allow them to unlock and unleash the elasticity of their buoyant potential. The book embraces the notion that difficulties mastered are opportunities won. Adversity does not have to break you, but can actually strengthen you. Human nature is able, with strong positive thinking, to turn bitter lemons into lemonade. 


Wired, Tired And Trapped

Wired, Tired & Trapped: Finding Balance in a Digitally 
Addicted World, Mufaro Gunduza (2025), CARLSE. 
In an age characterized by the relentless hum of notifications and 
the intoxicating glow of screens, we find ourselves living within an unprecedented digital landscape that shapes our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. The very devices designed to connect us have paradoxically untethered us from reality, leading many to feel  profound sense of exhaustion, isolation, and disconnection. Welcome to the 21st century, where we are "Wired, Tired & Trapped." As we navigate this digital realm, addiction to our devices manifests in myriad forms—social media scrolling, incessant gaming, binge-watching, and the persistent need to check for updates, often at the expense of our well-being. This addiction is not merely a personal struggle; it reflects a societal shift toward an existence where screen time supersedes face time, leaving us emotionally depleted and tethered to a virtual world that demands our constant attention. 



Swimming With Crocodiles: 

The Quest For Strategic Leadership In Zimbabwe


Of Antelopes And Jackals:
 Poetry Anthology

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This poetry anthology is a culmination of the numerous poetry recitals that were conducted during the period 1996 to 2000 at the University of Zimbabwe by the members of the University of Zimbabwe Creative Writers Association (UZCWA) under my chairmanship and presidency. The platform for these recitals was granted through the goodwill of then members of the Theatre Arts Department notably FK Omoregie, Owen Seda and Ethel Dhlamini. 

Compiling and editing this corpus was an audacious task because the contributors were drawn from diverse yet interesting literary ecospheres: singers, activists, journalists, doctors, psychologists, biologists, pharmacists, teachers among others. Poetry, it appears, cuts across and appeals to all disciplines.  
The message that is being communicated in these poems is quite profound, refreshing and therapeutic in a sense. The themes covered in the corpus range from politics, social protestation, economic voicing and cultural activism.  
Of particular interest are Albert Nyathi’s poetry pieces. He is one of the prolific Zimbabwean singers in the post 1990 era.


Hyenas Belly Never Fills:
Protest Poetry Anthology

In Fact Hyenas Don't Leave Much!

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This poetry anthology bemoans the rampant corruption that has destroyed the wildlife Republic of Serengeti. The once upon a time bread basket of the continent has now become a mere basket case. The nation is now deeply divided and polarized along political, ethnic and class lines. When the lions were dethroned nobody knew that the incoming hyenas would be worse off dictators. The expectant public only wakes up to their shock: 
hyena’s belly never fills’!


Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Dynamics in Zimbabwe



Entering  A New Season


In the stillness of anticipation, we find ourselves suspended between what has been and what is yet to come. It is in this liminal space that the poems in "Entering a New Season" reside, navigating the complexities of waiting, longing, and transformation. This poetry collection interrogates human experiences and their engagement with nature to fulfil their dreams, aspirations, expectations and triumphs. It observes that human existence is not just a flowery bed of ease but a journey of excitement, anxiety, anticipation and sometimes false starts and broken promises.


Business Intelligence Concepts From The Serengeti Dictionary

Insights For Top-Notch CEOs & Top Notch Executives

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This book provides the fundamental theories, concepts and insights on the subject of business intelligence. Tapping from both nature and corporate experience the book makes effort to simplify complex business issues and scenarios so that the ordinary reader can grasp and understand the matters at hand. It is ideal for entrepreneurs, corporate executives and strategic leaders who have to make key decisions on a daily basis in their line of business. It is an ideal manual for the 21st century CEO. 

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Daring The Odds

Doing Business In Tuberlent Times




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